I love Pinterest. I might even be slightly addicted to it. However, my boards are a mess. I spent 20 minutes looking for a breakfast recipe and never found it - so I decided to get organized. I love looking at the pins, I would like to actually use my boards for inspiration and creating. This meant, I needed to get organized.
The first thing I did was to look at my boards. Some of the cute titles of the boards just didn't work for me anymore or the board was so huge I would never be able to find anything. I renamed some of my boards. I put "celebrate" in front of any board that was a holiday. That way they would all be together, instead of all over my "mother board".
Next step, I wanted the individual boards to be in alphabetical order on the "mother board". I clicked on the individual board then dragged and dropped it where I wanted it to be on my "mother board". It is so much easier to find things on the board now. It reminded me of the game where you would slide the tiles over.
Then, I took a board - "yum" - and broke it up into individual boards. I want to be able to find the pins, quickly. Plus, sometimes when I am looking for something on one of my boards - I get distracted, lol.
This took me some time to do and I'm not finished yet. But, my "mother board" is user friendly. I will probably break up some of the boards. My Christmas board is huge and it is hard to find things. So, I will probably sub-category them into smaller file boards. It will be easier for my daughter-in-laws to find things on my board too.
I plan on spending 15 minutes every day cleaning and organizing my boards. Now, I just need to quit pinning.