Monday, November 26, 2012

Heading back

I am heading back to work today, after having the month off.  I have been awake since 2 AM.  My mind can't calm down, spinning.  Not wanting to leave the sleeping grand baby upstairs.  Not wanting to leave the hubby who returns to Hawaii tomorrow.  Not wanting to go back to work because of one of the people I work with - she can be difficult.  The two people that I get along with the best, will be gone for the next 3 weeks.  They are my support system, since hubby is gone.  They are my partners in crime, the girls that I laugh and cry with.  The girls that make we want to get up and go to work, except for my kiddos.  We stay way too late at work - having fun and planning.  It is their turn to enjoy a break.  So I am very, very sad - like panic attack sad.

This week is busy - filled with lots to do at work and at home.  My evenings are filled, poor planning on my part.  But, the week should go by fast and I will collapse on Saturday.  Three weeks until I see my husband again.  The weeks should go by fast, I hope.

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